Combining Science and Impact Entrepreneurship Program: Spotlight on the winners

Juno Technologies FRQ Esplanade Quebec

The Allier Science Entrepreneurship Impact Program was launched last fall by Esplanade Quebec and FRQ. This is a program to provide $10,000 grants to startups wishing to collaborate with researchers on a research project.

The objective: to encourage collaboration between the research community and startups, and more specifically, to make Quebec research expertise accessible and to promote the scientific approach in the entrepreneurial environment in Quebec; to strengthen the capacity for innovation and to increase the societal impact of research in Quebec; to increase the social and environmental impact of startups in Quebec.

In all, 85 startups responded to the call by submitting their applications. An independent selection committee, composed of researchers and entrepreneurs, selected 40 finalists. These finalists then pitched their projects to the committee, which chose the winning companies. The winners were divided into two categories: initiation to research and new research project.

And here are the companies that are winning a $10,000 grant to complete their research project:

Juno winner of the Allier Science and Impact Entrepreneurship Program, Track 1: Introduction to Research.
Juno’s mission is to revolutionize the field of menstrual pain through scientific innovation to improve the quality of life for those affected.

Congratulations to the entrepreneurs!

We would like to thank the Fonds de recherche du Québec and the members of the selection committee for their involvement. We also thank the entrepreneurs who applied and pitched their project!